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Sample Papers - APSA (American Political Science Association ... Each example includes a note 3087 followed by a bibliographic entry [B]. After the first book entry, all Note examples will use the full version. To make it concise, use just the author's last name(s), the main title, and page number(s). PDF American Political Science Association: Format and Documentation • All work done in APSA Format should be double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides. • Except for the title page, all page numbers should be centered in the footer. • The title page should contain the following: title—all caps and centered at the top of the PDF The Criminal Threat to Democratic Consolidation in Latin ... Prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Washington, DC Sept. 2-6, 2010 This research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Tinker Foundation, and many centers at Yale: The Center for Latin American and Iberian Studies, the

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